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Affärslunch                   Februari             Vecka 7, 8 & 9

Välj mellan 1, 2 eller 3 rätter, men tänk på att samtliga i sällskapet behöver äta samma meny.

Vi tar självklart hänsyn till allergier och kostavvikelser som kan finnas i sällskapet

Varmrätt 295:-/p

2 Rätter 390:- /p

3 Rätter 450:- /p

Inklusive bröd | vatten | kaffe | liten chokladbit


Liten salladsskål 5:-/p

Hemmagjord tryffel 18:-/p​​​



Smörbakad svartrot, sojakonfiterade champinjoner, hollandaiseskum och körvel


Smörstekta pilgrimsmusslor, rotsellerikräm, syrad pumpa och granatäpple


Råbiff på sotad ryggbiff, bakad äggula, friterad kapris, picklade senapsfrön och jordärtskockchips



Krispig majs-och kikärtskaka, sojahummus, syrad kålrot, sotad citronvinägrett och sesam


Stekt havets fångst med syrlig Sandefjordsås, rom, gräslök, sotad spetskål och dillslungad potatis


Bourguignon på oxkind, potatispuré, rökt fläsk, syrad lök och persilja



Crème brûlée med bär


Passionsfrukt parfait, mjölkchokladglass, hallon och solrosfrön

ALPHA main                                      60p


square tables seating 6 to 8 guests.

This arrangement has been thoughtfully designed to enhance customer comfort, optimize space, and facilitate guest interaction. It also ensures efficient room utilization and allows our service team to provide seamless, attentive service to each table with minimal interruptions.


The maximum capacity of 60 is reached with five tables of 8 and 2 tables of 10

Coffee buffet is always suggested and preferred for larger groups especially when time is of a constraint


ALPHA Sibban                                    24p


For 16 guests, two tables of 8 are arranged, and for 24 guests, three tables of 8 are used.


Please note that this room is separated by a curtain, providing privacy only when the Alpha Main dining room is not in use. It is intended to be used solely when Alpha Main is unoccupied or as an overflow area for Alpha Main.

When used as an overflow two tables of 8 are created to create a total of 88 guests

BETA                           5p





Private and intimate dining room

for 2 – 5 persons

GAMMA                      11p







Our Gamma dining room seats 10 ideally but 11 and 12 can be accommodated with odd chairs 😊

Delta                             8p

The picture to the left depicts a table serving 6 but 8 can comfortably be accommodated.


Our executive board has priority for this particular room

EPSILON                                  20p

To the left is our Epsilon room with built in overhead projector capabilities which can be used in combination with a lunch booking

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